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Everything you need to know about coffee varieties

There are more than 125 known coffee species in the world, although only two are commercially viable: Coffea arabica ...

What's true about Cold Brew ?

Summer is almost (finally) here and it's the perfect opportunity to try to find out more about one of our favorite drinks during the summer season: Cold Brew.

8 coffee recipes around the world

Coffee is the most consumed drink around the world after water, so it is not surprising to know that each country has...


Did you know that nearly a million cups are used and discarded every minute in the world? Every time you use a reusable cup, you help the environment by reducing plastic waste in landfills and the ocean.That's why we've always encouraged our customers to use reusable cups.

7 mistakes to avoid when making an espresso

There is nothing more discouraging than buying good coffee and brewing a bad espresso. Here are the main reasons an espresso can go wrong and how to fix it!

Which brewing method suits you best

The most consumed drink in the world, coffee is an integral part of many people's lives. Each type of infusion has it...

Berlin in five cafes

Berlin is colorful, beautiful, and offering an incredible artistic culture. And what about his coffeeshops. Discover our top 5 of the best cafes in Berlin!

Reduce your ecological footprint, one coffee at a time

Many entrepreneurs will tell you that it is important to pass your values ​​through the orientation of your projects....

In search of the best coffee

Let’s play a game, « You’re getting the electric chair tomorrow morning. What are you having for dinner? » The answers are invariably simple ones…

7 myths about coffee

Coffee is part of many’s morning ritual, yet still many myths circulate about it. Here are some that we have demystif...

Coffee: a vulnerable crop

  In connection with our trip to Colombia (which is getting close!), we wanted to mention something that has quite w...

Colombia: what about the altitudes ?

The altitudes of Colombia If you are familiar with coffee, you have certainly heard of the famous Colombian coffee......
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