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Our Fairtrade commitment: Cooperatives

Our Fairtrade commitment: Cooperatives

At Faro, we value transparency and traceability, which is why we wanted to talk to you a little bit more about the different Fairtrade cooperatives with which we collaborate.

Most farmers have little idea where their coffee goes or what price it ends up selling for. The more lucrative export of green coffee - beans that have been processed and ready for export and roasting - is only an option for the farmers if they can form a cooperative, purchase processing equipment and organize export or hire a contractor to carry out these services.

Fairtrade certified producer organizations are guaranteed to receive the Fairtrade Minimum Price for their coffee, which aims to cover their costs of production and act as a safety net when market prices fall below a sustainable level. Farmer organizations also receive the additional Fairtrade Premium to invest in community improvements as well as in businesses.

We are fortunate to participate actively in improving the quality of life of the rural communities of several cooperatives - GRAPOS, Sol & Café, Fedecocagua, Jumarp and Astroguate - and we have given you a portrait of our two largest suppliers.


JUMARP is located in the Amazonian Andes of northern Peru. Coffee was introduced to the region in the 1950's, but production practices relied heavily on agrochemicals. The JUMARP organization was formed by 35 small farmers in 2003 to ensure a sustainable livelihood through coffee production and commercialization in harmony with the rainforest. JUMARP was founded focused on a project of Forest Restoration & Reforestation.

El Palto is now made up of 300 members, 21% of whom are women. Their vision is to be a leading producer of high-quality organic coffees and reach regional, national and international markets. JUMARP's main aim is to cultivate coffee sustainably and without harming the fragile rainforest ecosystem they call home. Their mission is three- fold – to produce and directly market sustainable coffee to avoid intermediaries, educate members and their families, and promote ecological awareness and product quality. Social responsibility and improving the lives of the cooperative's members is central to El Palto's work.


The ASPROGUATE cooperative begins in 2014 lead by group of organized producers located in Coban, Acatenango and Chimaltenango regions in Guatemala with the purpose to market quality coffees with added value: using fully organic practices. Nearly 100 producers were brought together to create the association. Soon, other producers in nearby areas heard about the success of the project and joined the exponential growth of the association. The cooperative now has 55% women and relies on the education of its producers, the long-term relationship with the producers and buyers and the sustainability of its agricultural practices.

ASPROGRUATE's mission is to manage the social development among small coffee producers in Guatemala providing sustainable and differentiated access to international markets. Several practices are implemented within the cooperative in order to have a social, environmental and ecological impact: member producers attend to monthly workshops where they learn to elaborate their own organic fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides. They also learn to take care of their environment without damaging the land: they are capable to evaluate the erosion of the land, utilize life barrier and diversify shadow usage. Gender equality is an essential value for the cooperative, as is the rejection of discrimination, slavery, childhood and adolescent labor.


Faro has been a Fairtrade partner for more than 20 years now and have generated almost US $ 150,000 in Fairtrade premiums in the last 5 years. It is through this social commitment that we want to put forward the equity as one of our core values.


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