On the nose, this coffee evokes brown sugar and pastry. The brown roast version gives off a lovely bitterness and leans a bit towards hazelnut. In medium roast, the body is round and the bitterness at the end of the palate makes it the perfect coffee for espresso or latte. Finally, the dark roast will bring you a cup with hints of dark chocolate.

More information
Country: Guatemala
Region: Acatenango, Chimaltenango
Altitude: 1100 M
Variety: Bourbon, Catimor, Sarchimor, Marsellesa
Process: Washed
Recommended Brew
Manual and automatic Espresso, Filter, Chemex, V60, Bodum, Aeropress
Same producteur, same relationship, new crops
Since our first visit in 2015 to the Las Lajas cooperative, our relationships and exchanges with local producers have continued to increase. This allows us to roast complex and interesting specialty coffees, of incomparable quality from year to year.
It is from 1300 M above sea level that the Chacon Solano family has grown their coffee for over 80 years and three generations. The current genereation led by Oscar and Francisca Chacon has started organic farming about 30 years ago and became one of the few Costa Rica farm to be officially certified organic. They are also pioneers in Costa Rica when it comes to honey processes. This new batch comes directly from the family farm, and was harvested that this year.
La Finca La Bendición is a property located in the Acatenango region of Guatemala, near the town of San Pedro Yepocapa. You can find it to the west of the slopes of the imposing Acatenango and Fuego volcanoes, the latter of which earned its name as one of the most active volcanoes in the world.
The farm encompasses a total of 30 hectares, with 29 hectares dedicated to coffee cultivation. Its size makes it a significant source of income for many people living in San Pedro Yepocapa.
This lot was processed by Los Volcanes Coffee at the Antigua mill called Beneficio La Esperanza. The substantial amount of ash from the Volcan de Fuego requires careful cherry sorting. If they are not properly washed, the ash can pose problems for the cherry depulpers.
why is black honey a unique coffee?
It is above all the drying process that makes this coffee particularly unique:
The freshly picked cherries are sorted in a flotation tank (or by hand). Foreign bodies, waste and leaves are removed and discarded
The ripe and healthy fruits are then pulped using a machine which takes care to remove the minimum mucilage possible. Once pulped, the coffee cherries are put in the sun to dry: they are often spread out on an African bed, a patio or a concrecte slab.
The rest of the mucilage around the bean then caramelizes and takes on a more amber color, then the bean absorbs the sugar contained in the mucilage.