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Regular price $21.35

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A decaffeinated coffee worthy of a great specialty coffee. The caramel and cookie/pastry flavors are powerful, with a hint of citrus leaving a sweet and pleasant finish.

More information

Country: Colombia

Region: Huila

Altitude: 1200-2100 M

Farm: group of smallholders

Variety: Castillo, Colombia, Caturra

Process: EA Decaf

Recommended Brew

Espresso, Filtre, Bodum


This coffee is decaffeinated directly on site by Colombian producers, using a completely innovative technique. Rather than using traditional techniques such as decaffeination with methylene chloride or with water, a derivative of sugar cane is used: ethyl acetate.

the process:

  • Green coffee is steamed for 30 minutes to open the pores of the coffee, making it easier to extract the caffeine.
  • the coffee is placed in a bath of water and ethyl acetate, a famous derivative of sugar cane by fermentation.
  • The caffeine is "captured" by the solution, as the solution naturally binds to the chlorogenic acid salts in coffee.
  • The process is repeated several times for about 8 hours, then the coffee is steamed again to clean it from all traces of ethyl acetate.
  • All you have to do is dry the coffee and prepare it for roasting!

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